Mission Statement

The Women's Ministry at Lewis Lake provides an opportunity for women of all ages to establish a closer bond with God and each other through prayer, study and service.

Vison Statement

Women's Ministry is an inter-generational group of women which exists for the purpose of encouraging and enriching others to the ultimate purpose
of building the church of Jesus Christ and glorifying God.

We Love Our Veterans!

Each year in November in conjunction with Veteran's Day we celebrate our veterans by giving away a handmade quilt to a veteran in the congregation. Charley Farley was the recipient of the Women's Ministry Veteran quilt giveaway in 2024. Thank you for your service!

Women's Ministry Calendar

When does Women's Ministry Meet?

Women's Ministry meets the second Monday of odd numbered months at 6:15 PM. Join us and become a part of this important ministry at Lewis Lake. 

Meet the team.

Becki Baumann


Jo Towle 


Debee Stadden

Vice Director

Megan Stobb


Amanda Peterson

Financial Secretary

Sandy De Young

Vice Secretary

Dianna Sholtz

Vice Financial Secretary
Fellowship Coordinator

Women of all ages are  welcome to join us!