Pulse June 3, 2024

Jun 3, 2024

Sermon: Sometimes I like to see how other faithful pastors handle a certain passage of Scripture, especially one that I’ll have to preach, and I discovered Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones preached sixty-eight sermons on Ephesians 6:10-20. Sixty-eight! I haven’t listened to them all, but I really enjoyed the second part of the sermon “Schism in the Church.” For those who are like me and can’t listen to a part 2 without first hearing part 1, here you go.

Catechism: Why must the Redeemer be truly human? Why must he be truly God?

Song: If you should find yourself on a long road trip with children any time this summer crank up this album and sing along. You might recognize “Lift High the Name of Jesus” from Taste & See last year. – Clark